October 20, 2015

Do You Want A Photo Of Your Wedding Cake?

Did you know your style of cake may determine whether you’ll have a cake portrait for your wedding album? Sounds strange but there’s a few things to consider.

I’m not talking about when you cut the cake here. I’m talking about that pretty image of just the cake as a detail photo on it’s own before it’s cut. You must consider, if you choose a cake icing that melts easily like say buttercream, it may have to be stored in the fridge until you cut it. A warm climate can cause a cake to melt. Never put your cake in the sun or near a warm heater. If you are worried about heat or your cake melting opt for a fondant cake. But even then, don’t leave your cake out too long if it’s warm.

Talk to your baker and ask if it’s suitable for the conditions of your wedding.


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